Time to react
A reactive approach to psychological health and safety
Interventions and incident response
What are our challenges?
There are times when a workplace may identify particular areas, teams or functions within the business where there are known or suspected psychosocial hazards or risks.
Mapien provides targeted PH&S risk assessments which objectively assess both hazards and risk and provide recommendations for the workplace.

Psychosocial Hazard Investigations
What’s really happening here?
There is a growing representation of psychosocial related grievances and incident notifications across workplaces.
Mapien provides psychosocial specific investigations which, blend investigative and PH&S expertise.

Risk assessments
How can we make this better?
Workplace issues involving people are becoming increasingly complex with a landscape that involves HR, IR, PH&S and sometimes WorkCover elements.
Mapien provides tailored intervention and incident response when an issue occurs in the workplace, with easy to understand solutions and an integrative approach to problem resolution.
Looking for a tool to help understand how psychosocial hazards in the workplace are impacting your people?
The Mapien Psychosocial Assessment (MPAT) is a purpose built, predictive tool delivering deep insight into psychosocial hazards experienced at work and their subsequent wellbeing impact. Learn more about MPAT here.

Get ahead of the game and ensure your workplace is psychologically safe, by taking a proactive approach…